Tuesday 12 April 2011

Awakening Crystals

To choose the best crystal to be used either for yourself - or for someone else - the intuition plays a fundamental key. The crystal that lingers around your consciousness until you pay it due attention or the crystal you are inescapably drawn to, both are clear signs that the intended recipient needs that crystal’s energy (Sometimes several crystals will come to mind, and that means that they all are needed.)
If intuition fails, or you want specific answers about how best to use the crystals, dowsing can also be used. (See article on dowsing), or using a reliable book on crystals.

After choosing a crystal(s), it will need to be cleansed. There are several ways in which to do this:

1)    Rinsing the crystal(s) under running water (Spring water, or fresh rain water works best, though tap water will suffice if neither the above are available.)**
2)    Sitting the crystal(s) in sea salt crystals* over a period of 24-48 hours.**
3)    Sitting the crystal(s) in rice (Brown rice* is preferable, but white rice will also do the trick.)**
4)    Smudging can also be used to cleanse away any previous negativity from the crystal.

* For friable, layered or delicate crystal(s), use the rice to cleanse them.
** After cleansing the crystals, return the water, rice, or salt back to nature.

5)    Be sure to charge the crystal(s) up after they are cleansed, placing them in sunshine or moonlight for 12 hours.


To activate a crystal, find yourself a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for as much time as you need, and sit focusing your attention on the crystal:-

What do you see in the crystal?
What colours are there?

Spend time getting to know the crystal in this manner, and by asking yourself and the other crystals any other questions that come to mind.

When you feel you have bonded with the crystal(s) sufficiently, dedicate the crystal to its purpose (Healing, soothing, massage, etc.) either through meditation, speaking it aloud, or by speaking silently to the crystal(s), and spend time letting the dedication sink in to the crystal’s memory.

The storage of crystals varies to suit the situation. If the crystal is displayed in a room, resting it on a silk scarf or other natural fiber scarf is best. If the crystals are put away between use (or carried about the person in a pouch), again, silk is the best material to use to keep the crystals secure and safe.

-- Moonlight is good to charge crystals up that are going to be used in conjunction with the feminine energy, soothing therapy, or for working on the upper chakras (The upper 4 in simple chakra work).
-- Sunlight is good to charge crystals up that are going to be used in conjunction with the masculine energy, increasing positivity and energy, or for working on the lower chakras (The lower 3 in simple chakra work).