Wednesday 5 January 2011

The Seven Plains of Life and Death

Okay, this is something that came to me on a night of no sleep…

Please do feel free to give me your own opinions on what may or may not happen after death….it is a topic I find hugely interesting!

Plain 1 - True life, where you walk the Earth in Human form. Here you bring forth the knowledge learnt in death, though the knowledge may be un-known for some time, depending on when it is you need the knowledge.

Plain 2 – Transition Plain, from life to death. The span of the human body is over, and all you needed to do in this life has been completed, or left in the charge of someone else to complete for you.

Plain 3 – The remembrance plain, where you meet with imprints of all you knew and loved in life. Here is what I believe to be true Heaven. It isn’t a place you go to remain for all eternity, but a place where you can meet with all those who have gone before-friends, family, pets and so on. Those souls aren’t truly there though, as they have already gone on into their next lives (Though possibly not true for all of them). The imprints of themselves are as real and true as you knew them to be in life-there is no deceit or lies.

Plain 4 – The plain where you learn more knowledge from Ascended Masters. This is where the imprints of people like Da Vinci, Einstein, Jesus, Buddha and many other wise and knowledgeable reside. Here they will teach you everything it is you want or need to learn for the next life.

Plain 5 – Shadow life, where you walk the Earth as a soul, helping those in need of guidance and the knowledge learnt on the third plain. Before returning to a human body, you pass on the knowledge you learnt on plain 4 to those who are with the living now, helping others achieve what it is they truly desire, and helping them with their life’s purpose as someone would have helped you in your life.

Plain 6 – Plain of Decision, where the life to be taken on is worked out and planned. On this plain, you would work your life out - will you be human? Or maybe even as an animal. What will you do? And so, a rough blue print is set in motion for the next physical life.

Plain 7 – Transition plain, from death to life. After however long in the realms of death, now you return to life-the knowledge you had in death locked deep within hidden memories, waiting to be re-found.

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