Wednesday 10 August 2011


(Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी)

Kundalini is Sanskrit for “coiled” and is often referred to as a snake coiled three and a half times around the base chakra (Muladhara). It is a vital feminine force lying dormant within everyone, and is activated by the practise of yoga, or life changing events. When fully awakened, it is said to lead to spiritual power and eventual salvation.

Kundalini energy is the life giving, passionate and darker energy of a human’s spiritual being. (Much like the “Yin” energy in Feng Shui). As such, a person must let go of their ego, their materialism, their hatred and their fear to be able to control and accept Kundalini into their system.

During the process of being awoken, and rising, Kundalini removes the knots of the major seven chakras as she rises upwards to Sahasrara and Brahman (The masculine energy of creation).  She will also open, cleanse and balance the chakras until they are fully restored.

The awakening of Kundalini can be a pleasant and harmonious event; or disruptive, scary and emotional, depending on whether the time of awakening was intentional or not.

The most common practice for awakening Kundalini is a long and patient journey through systematic physical exercises (such as Yoga or Tai Chi), concentration exercises, visualisation and meditation under the guidance of a competent teacher. Depending on the person and the amount of energy they have to begin with depicts how long this will take to awaken the Kundalini. Even after she begins her journey to the Crown Chakra, these practises must still continue. This is why most people will not reach full ascension during their lifetime, or even several lifetimes later.

A second way of awakening Kundalini is to have a person who is already awakened temporarily raises the energy of Kundalini long enough for the student to be able to experience the sensation and then awaken Kundalini within themselves. This second way, though skipping out what could be years of selfless living and freedom from the materialist, may present problems further down the line as the student is not fully prepared for the gifts and powers that come with activated Kundalini.

There is a third way that leads to Kundalini awakened spontaneously and unplanned, such as near death experiences, child birth, emotional trauma, pro-longed mental stress and so on. This is sometimes put down as “The Will of God”, a progression from the journeys of previous lives or a pre-planned awakening from before birth.

Like planned awakening, this event can pass by peacefully – particularly if it was a result of previous life’s work. Or it can pass in a highly distressing, and sometimes scary manner, particularly if a person has no idea of the existence of Kundalini. When this happens, it is known as “Kundalini Syndrome” or “Spiritual Emergence”.

The energy of Kundalini is something that cannot be controlled by ego, and it requires a person to let go of materialist importance and surrender to a deeper and more wonderful being.

Through the process of Kundalini being awoken and rising through the chakras, there are a variety of symptoms that may occur alone, or with several others:

-          Involuntary jerking, twitches, shuddering or shaking hands, tremors, itching, tingling and crawling sensations (Particularly in the arms and legs).
-          Energy rushes, or the sensation of electricity circulating the body.
-          Intense heat accompanied by sweating, or intense cold, especially as energy passes through the difference chakras.
-          Spontaneous Pranyama, Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas.
-          Visions or Sounds at times associated with a particular chakra.
-          Diminished sexual desire, or a constant state of arousal.
-          Emotional purging – where a particular emotion will dominate a person quite unexpectedly and for short lengths of time.
-          Pressure around the temples/pro-longed headaches.
-          Feelings of bliss, infinite love and universal connection, transcendent awareness.
-          Seeing beings from a different plane in the day-to-day physical world –shadows, angels, deities and so on.

These feelings are similar in feel to something foreign trying to merge with the body and line itself to the entire system, only unlike possession, it feels welcoming and comforting. What is actually happening is the higher self merging with the physical self, it is no longer locked to the celestial planes and only accessible through meditation. It feels strange as normally these two forms never meet in the physical world.

After being awakened and reaching up through Sahasrara, the Kundalini energy of life connects with the Brahman, the masculine energy of creation.  To be fully awakened is to receive Divine Wisdom and inner knowledge that shows itself to you as the collective memories that all beings of life have seen, shared and forgotten once more. At this level, a person has increased clairvoyance powers, the ability to bring manifestation about with no hardship and the power of telepathy. A person at this level also enjoys pure joy, and pure love.

To reach this level hardly ever happens, as it can take between decades and lives before the energies of Kundalini and Brahman will meet. But when a person has reached this level, they will be sensitive to the causes of other people, and will have been the notable healers (Medicine men, Pagans, Environmentalists, and Herbalists) through history, or wise teachers, scientists and counsellors that have shared their knowledge with anyone who will listen.

Kundalini is an energy power that is very rarely abused – as a person must feel compassion deeply, be detached from materialism and ego and walk through life as an equal to everything else – but like everything in life there is a flip side, which is why a person should seek out a spiritual guide/teacher to help them with their awakening and the following journey.

Like opening and balancing the chakras, the best way to work with Kundalini energy is to be passionate in life, and pursue creative paths in life - whilst still being compassionate to the world, detached from the ego and practising forgiveness and equality.

Crystals that help in working with Kundalini:
-          Flame Aura Quartz
-          Tanzanite
-          Kunzite
-          Snakeskin Agate
-          Serpentine
-          Garnet
-          Red Black Obsidian
-          Tiger’s Eye
-          Spiral Quart
-          Shiva Lingham
-          Ammolite

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