Friday 6 August 2010

Angels and Tarot Cards

I have had a Tarot card reading done for me, just over two years ago while I was still in college, and though I have used Tarot cards myself for years, it shocked me at how much this person could tell me! By choice, I use Angel Cards, and I can do much better readings for people with them, than I ever could with the Tarot, and even then, I could never tell a person things about them self!
One of my friends said this could be done by the man in question finding information out about me from any number of places, until I pointed out I had merely made the booking, and no name was given, only my mobile number!
So the reading began, and the man doing my reading asked for me to give him something I wore all the time, so I handed over the ring my cousin had given me a few years back, and he took it, held and rotated it for a few minutes, then started telling me all these things about my life, some of them I had never told anyone! By this point, I was certain I had found a good, decent Tarot card reader. (For people interested, this was “Spiritus” in Evesham, Worcs.)  Then the actual reading began, and I was told of how I would meet a lover, and things would happen quickly: A marriage, possibly even kids. The love seemed to be the main issue of the reading, and I was also told that after the relationship began, so difficulties would arise. I asked at the end, how long this would be, and he said his readings were within the next two years.
This was when I then doubted I would meet this “lover” of mine. But I thought about it, and a year passed by with nothing, then the next year, and I thought “Well that was a load of tosh then!”.
It was then, two months later, that I re-met someone I had apparently met every year at the same time for five years now! (I had no memory, which was quite embarrassing!) And this person, who I met in the world’s most horrendous hangover, is now my partner of 10 months! Without going into detail, yes, the trouble did start, and unfortunately, my reading only lasted two years, so I didn’t know how long it would last for!
A year after all this happened, I decided to find out about the next couple of years, this time from an Angel Card reading (Again, for people interested, this is “Luna” in Pershore, Worcs.) and, this time, I went with the intention of asking about my relationship. The decks used were “Archangel” and “Fairies” deck, both by Doreen Virtue.
As she drew the cards, I was told of difficulties within the relationship, which were soon coming to an end, and our relationship blossoming, and if not a lifelong relationship, it would certainly take up a good portion of my life.
It was a lady doing this reading, and she was channelling the messages directly from the angels around both of us, as supposed to reading from the cards. I was cautioned against pregnancy just yet, though my partner in a few years would be ready for one, a son, and that our relationship would be amazing once we had both learnt to compromise!
Even though I had asked about my relationship, both the angels and fairies were keen to highlight another aspect of my life. My diet. Since I was born, I had constant problems with my stomach, and a lot of foods, until just before the reading, I was unable to eat anything other than noodles! But the fairies, channelled by this wonderful lady, told me that the reason I couldn’t eat so many foods, was because I was a Star Child, and as such, my whole body and spirit was highly sensitive, and as I aged and attuned myself to a higher frequency, and so I needed to consume higher frequency foods. I now follow a mainly vegetarian diet, though I do consume white meat, and occasionally red meat. The meat was an issue for me as, because of my sensitivity, as I consumed this meat, I was also consuming all the feeling the animal had had during its life, mainly negativity. So, any meat I buy now to consume, I make sure that it is free-range and mercifully killed so that I can eat it without also consuming it’s pain.
Another topic the fairies wanted to tell me about was depression. I had been given this diagnosis one year previously, and they wanted to tell me it was NOT depression at all, and that I simply missed “home”, and this certainly rang true when the lady doing my reading mentioned looking at the stars. This was one past-time I loved doing-going to the darkest place around and simply staring at the stars until my head span and my eyes were pebble-dashed by flickering lights! And suddenly it made sense as to why this made me feel better-without knowing it, I had found my true home within the skies.
I left this reading feeling so much more empowered and optimistic towards my relationship, and certainly excited for the future.
I can’t give my opinion on how accurate this reading was, as, unlike the Tarot reading, I am still within the midst of this reading and it’s guidance occurring.

Wolf Runner



I have always wondered what it would be like to see a person’s aura with the physical eye, as for years, I had only ever seen someone’s aura with my eyes closed and with physical contact, namely their hands over my closed eyes, though the hands didn’t necessarily have to touch my face.
I first started learning about auras properly when I started doing Beauty Therapy NVQ Level 2, when we were learning to do various facial therapies, and of course part of that treatment was a good 20 minutes of facial and neck massage, and our lecturer for the course mentioned about the clients possibly seeing colours as you passed over the eye area. We then learnt about auras in more detail when we started Swedish Body Massage and Indian Head Massage, as the lecturer for this course was very interested in Ayurveda therapies, and we learnt about the healing touch during the massage lessons, and how to use it in the Indian Head massages.
This was my first encounter into a person’s aura. I couldn’t see it still, but as I worked on the various chakras, I could feel the energy, and new what colours of energy I needed to direct into the certain chakras.
It was a shock to me then, two years later, that as I sat in my counselling session, I could see a green blur around my counsellor, and three white figures behind her, for a while, I didn’t mention a thing, but kept looking at these colours before suddenly realising that I was seeing this woman’s aura, and guardian angels behind her.
I knew it to be her aura I could see, as green is the colour of healing when it comes to energy fields, and as this woman was a counsellor, it fitted.
I felt privileged at being given this site, as I had been reading a lot into Angel Therapy (Doreen Virtue) and Healing with the Fairies (Doreen Virtue, available on my site: )

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Wolf Runner

As my name suggests, I have a love of wolves =)
My main spirit guide, who I work with most days is a wolf named Fenrir, though I’m not too sure if it is THE Fenrir out of mythology, in which case, I am highly honored, or just a very similar wolf with the same name!
He always has a purple ribbon tied around his neck now, with the most beautiful amethyst pendant I have ever seen-given to him by Archangels Michael and Archangel Raphael.
With Fenrir, I have managed to do astral travelling on the lower plains, and connect with spirits and my angels much more successfully.
The bulk of this, I actually did on a spiritual forum, but since I have a blog based on spirituality (For most of it, anyway) I decided to copy and paste it here too!
Well, i have the name Wolf Runner, as Yuuki Mitsukai (Japanese for “Gentel Angel”) was originally the website name, and though it is a beautiful name, for myself, I wanted a name more person to me to go under to the rest of the world. Hence the reason, I sign off with both names. I also, one day, like the idea of my buisness doing well enough that I can work with other people-may in a store, or just a few self employed freinds working from their own homes respectivley, who knows.
So yes, for anyone mildly intruiged with how I got onto Spiritualism, and such…feel free to read on!
As a child, I was always interested in crystals, mythology, fairies, everything! I even once saw a fairy as a child, though mum didn’t believe me, and after that I lost my ability to see beings of a higher vibration with my physical eyes.
For being different, I did get bullied, and made my way through High School blending in with the mould, and forgetting the knowledge I had once had.
When I started my beauty therapy course, I met a girl who was into Spiritualism, and she brought my back on to this path, and I am once again beginning to see higher vibrational beings-I saw my councilor’s aura the other day!
I had suffered depression for 12 years of my life, and I finally settled into Spirituality, and myself, after reading Doreen Virtue’s “Angel Medicine”, a truly fantastic book, that I swear has some healing power just by reading it alone! Since then, I have self taught myself how to do Angel Card readings, for myself and for others, and now actually have a path that crosses both spirituality and shamanism.
Now I am proud of my individuality and differences to other people, and proudly walk bare foot everywhere! (“How can you forget the Earth, when you walk with naked feet? - Quote from an Ayurvedic text)
The angels brought me a wonderful partner into my life, who has inspired me in so many ways, especially into starting my own business where I sell all variety of items to do with Spirituality and Shamanism (will also introduce more as I go!) and to also include articles on the different aspects of the varying beliefs and other people’s experiences in this area.

Myself personally, I don’t believe in “God” as the bible depicts him… I see it more as “The Creator” or “Great Spirit”… I never really know, but I did receive a fantastic sign from what ever is out there. Every day I asked the angels for a sign that I couldn’t mistake, or put down to coincidence, so that I would know for certain I wasn’t going loopy and just talking to myself and falsely believing in something, then one day, I was talking with my partner-I had had a bad day-and he was reassuring my, and I blurted out that his “God” or my “Creator” couldn’t possibly be real (for quite a few reasons) and his reply was “Yes he can, God sent me into your life to be his voice to you” ((We have our different beliefs-he is a relaxed Catholic, and I am a Spiritualistic-something or other, but we still use the names we use freely, so he says God to me, and that means Great Spirit to me… I don’t see what all the fuss is about Religion-how ever you look at it, they’re all one and the same apart from each person’s own perception of it all.)) which, at the time was nothing other than his strong, un-shakable belief that God was real, but looking back at it now-could I have had a sign any more obvious than that?
Wow, I went off on such a religious discussion with myself I can’t remember if I was going to put anything else!!! HAHA!
Though, I think it might be best if I stop now any way XD
(I also like writing…)
Well, if you did get this far without getting lost somewhere in the text, I truly hope I didn’t bore you!!
Love and Peace
Wolf Runner/xx

Faith or No Faith?

Faith is a weird thing...sometimes I find myself feeling one hundred percent certain that there really is something out there, something all knowing...and so on....maybe not "God" as  I find that "God" from the Bible is too...simple. Maybe, too cliche is the word better to describe it-he is ego less all compassionate, all knowing...and so on...yet...if he is all that...then why does he watch his "children" suffer as we all are? Why does he let us go to war with each other, and do so many terrable things? And yet, Christianity has so many people believing in this "God"...maybe he is there?

Personally, I am a mixture of Spirituality (God), Shamanism (Great Spirit) and Celtic (Various different gods). Somewhere in the middle of all that...there is a great spirit/god that overseas more Earthbound beings of a god like nature, only they have an ego.
If that were the case, it would explain the "Voice of God" that so many people say to have heard, explains the energy that cannot be measured, only felt and seen by some, but also explains why this world isn't perfect, and why not everything goes to plan.

Ocasionaly I find myself slipping from many times I ask for a sign, ask for guidance..or something of that nature, and it all goes un-heard, un-answered, and I am left thinking "Why do I bother?". Other people say I'm mad, others say I'm following a false dream...and yet, there are always those little things that go "OI! Look at me! Am I not proof enough for you?" ... Like a Tarot Card reading that was completely accurate - for  past, present and future - or a dream you have, that some time later happens in real life.
At other times, when my faith begins to slip, I go onto a forum for like minded people, and just reading their opinions and experiances makes me think "You know what, maybe there is something out there.".

So if someone asks me proof of this great being that no one can see, I honestly can't answer that-there is no proof, only your own beliefs and opinions. And even when you have this un-deniable stroy of truth and evidence, the person asking wil still doubt it, even if you can show him-it will be coincedence only.
Maybe it is only coincedence, but for that person who beleive's, it is helping them to get by whatever life throws at him...and who knows...maybe it is real evidence!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Healing Vision

I was asked by someone to help pray with them - and others - to help her father, who was in hospital. As I began to meditate, I felt massive amounts of energy come into my body, and I could see the stars sending their heavenly light and energy down, through me, and into my hands where it began to form into a ball. Before the ball of energy had fully formed, my spirit animal came to my side, and took the ball of starlit energy from me in his teeth, and walked off into the darkness, taking this energy to the woman's father.