Wednesday 4 August 2010

Wolf Runner

As my name suggests, I have a love of wolves =)
My main spirit guide, who I work with most days is a wolf named Fenrir, though I’m not too sure if it is THE Fenrir out of mythology, in which case, I am highly honored, or just a very similar wolf with the same name!
He always has a purple ribbon tied around his neck now, with the most beautiful amethyst pendant I have ever seen-given to him by Archangels Michael and Archangel Raphael.
With Fenrir, I have managed to do astral travelling on the lower plains, and connect with spirits and my angels much more successfully.
The bulk of this, I actually did on a spiritual forum, but since I have a blog based on spirituality (For most of it, anyway) I decided to copy and paste it here too!
Well, i have the name Wolf Runner, as Yuuki Mitsukai (Japanese for “Gentel Angel”) was originally the website name, and though it is a beautiful name, for myself, I wanted a name more person to me to go under to the rest of the world. Hence the reason, I sign off with both names. I also, one day, like the idea of my buisness doing well enough that I can work with other people-may in a store, or just a few self employed freinds working from their own homes respectivley, who knows.
So yes, for anyone mildly intruiged with how I got onto Spiritualism, and such…feel free to read on!
As a child, I was always interested in crystals, mythology, fairies, everything! I even once saw a fairy as a child, though mum didn’t believe me, and after that I lost my ability to see beings of a higher vibration with my physical eyes.
For being different, I did get bullied, and made my way through High School blending in with the mould, and forgetting the knowledge I had once had.
When I started my beauty therapy course, I met a girl who was into Spiritualism, and she brought my back on to this path, and I am once again beginning to see higher vibrational beings-I saw my councilor’s aura the other day!
I had suffered depression for 12 years of my life, and I finally settled into Spirituality, and myself, after reading Doreen Virtue’s “Angel Medicine”, a truly fantastic book, that I swear has some healing power just by reading it alone! Since then, I have self taught myself how to do Angel Card readings, for myself and for others, and now actually have a path that crosses both spirituality and shamanism.
Now I am proud of my individuality and differences to other people, and proudly walk bare foot everywhere! (“How can you forget the Earth, when you walk with naked feet? - Quote from an Ayurvedic text)
The angels brought me a wonderful partner into my life, who has inspired me in so many ways, especially into starting my own business where I sell all variety of items to do with Spirituality and Shamanism (will also introduce more as I go!) and to also include articles on the different aspects of the varying beliefs and other people’s experiences in this area.

Myself personally, I don’t believe in “God” as the bible depicts him… I see it more as “The Creator” or “Great Spirit”… I never really know, but I did receive a fantastic sign from what ever is out there. Every day I asked the angels for a sign that I couldn’t mistake, or put down to coincidence, so that I would know for certain I wasn’t going loopy and just talking to myself and falsely believing in something, then one day, I was talking with my partner-I had had a bad day-and he was reassuring my, and I blurted out that his “God” or my “Creator” couldn’t possibly be real (for quite a few reasons) and his reply was “Yes he can, God sent me into your life to be his voice to you” ((We have our different beliefs-he is a relaxed Catholic, and I am a Spiritualistic-something or other, but we still use the names we use freely, so he says God to me, and that means Great Spirit to me… I don’t see what all the fuss is about Religion-how ever you look at it, they’re all one and the same apart from each person’s own perception of it all.)) which, at the time was nothing other than his strong, un-shakable belief that God was real, but looking back at it now-could I have had a sign any more obvious than that?
Wow, I went off on such a religious discussion with myself I can’t remember if I was going to put anything else!!! HAHA!
Though, I think it might be best if I stop now any way XD
(I also like writing…)
Well, if you did get this far without getting lost somewhere in the text, I truly hope I didn’t bore you!!
Love and Peace
Wolf Runner/xx

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