Friday 22 July 2011


Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत)
Un-hurt, Un-struck, Un-beaten. Balance.

Anahata is associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and actions with hands. The heart chakra is what leads to the power of healing, so when someone refers to healing hands, the power has manifested in Anahata.

Anahata is the ability to make decisions outside of the bindings of Karma – In Manipura and lower chakras, the decisions made follow the laws of karma, and follow us through fate and destiny.

This chakra is the one of “following your heart”, guidance that comes from your higher self and not the emotional and materialistic guidance that affect lower chakras. Anahata is the chakra that bridges the higher self to the physical self.

Being the bridge between the physical and the metaphysical, Anahata is very much like a fruit tree – thoughts, wishes and hopes come to fruition with the help of Anahata – be they good or bad.

Anahata feeds on passion and self-expression - Swadisthana is the birth of creativity, and Anahata is where that creativity finds its physical presence. When balanced, Anahata has the power of wish fulfillment, and mastering a person’s own destiny.

A developed heart chakra leads to sensitivity to other’s feelings, and the sense of touch is highly tuned, which combined allow human’s to heal through touch – be it direct therapy such as massage, or indirect therapy like Reiki.

When Anahata becomes unbalanced, you may notice:

- Loneliness
- Anger
- Grief
- Feeling rejected
- Possessiveness
- Jealousy

It doesn’t take much for Anahata to lose its power – arguments, stress, relationship problems, being bullied and so much more cause problems to this chakra, and it takes a strong willed person to not fall into darkness.

Many people when they get hurt emotionally block out their connection to Anahata, a way in which to protect them from being hurt again – but this also prevents a person from being loved.

That’s why when times get tough and challenging, it is important to find some way in which to channel creativity, and express their feelings so that the heart chakra can heal with the person and prevent further negativity manifesting.

To help re-balance, and keep Anahata balanced, a person must find a balance within themselves first. Do they give too much or too little? Acts of charity help bring about a sense of hope to everyone involved, as well as helping to boost someone’s self-confidence. Finding a belief (It doesn’t have to be a religious belief) will help teach compassion, trust and devotion – things which Anahata thrives on. As a person opens themselves to love, then Anahata will be balanced.


Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Quartz, Aventurine, Kunzite, Muscovite, Red Calcite, Rhodonite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Peridot, Apophyllite, Lepidolite, Morganite, Pink Danubrite, Ruby, Chrysocolla, Green Sapphire.
Fragrance: Lavandin, Orange, Tangerine.
Colours: Green, Pink.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

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