Friday 22 July 2011

Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha (Sanskrit – विशुद्ध)
Purity. Communication center

Vishuddha is the 5th chakra, and is located in the spine level with the larynx. Vishuddha is linked with the sense of hearing and the action of speaking, which makes this chakra the center of communication. The element of Vishuddha is the element of aether – the upper sky.

This is the first chakra to reside on a spiritual plane, allowing communication between the emotional self and the higher self. Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about the power to see into the past, present and future.

Vishuddha is referred to as the “Poison and the Nectar”, as when this chakra is pure and balanced, a person’s experiences lead to wisdom and knowledge, whilst an unbalanced Vishuddha leads to deceit and darkness. It is also said that when Vishuddha is awakened (by kundalini rising), the poison’s of Earth will no longer affect that person due to their purity.

The secret to immortality is said to reside with Vishuddha.

It doesn’t take long for Vishuddha to become un-balanced or polluted this day in age. All though Freedom of Speech was introduced, people still fear to say the truth – from a young age, truth lead to pain or ridicule to some level, and growing up, people would learn to hide their truths from their families, their friends, and world.

Not only do holding truths back affect Vishuddha, but by bottling emotions up and telling the world “I’m okay”, or by physically lying to someone. Harsh words also pollute Vishuddha.

When Vishuddha is left to become unbalanced, people may feel or notice:

- Difficulty in speaking the truth
- Difficulty in finding their voice
- Their voice becomes emotionless, flat and almost monotonically spoken.
- Their voice becomes overly emotional, exaggerated and fast.
- A person may talk too quietly, or too loudly.

To balance out this chakra, a person needs to be honest in themselves and work out their truths. Past emotions need to be let go of, and the people involved to be forgiven. Then a person must speak with pure and honest words, and no longer hide their opinions from anyone.


Crystals: Azurite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Amber, Kunzite, Lepidolite, Blue Obsidian, Petalite.
Fragrance: Moroccan Rose, Chamomile.
Colour: Blue.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

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