Friday 22 July 2011

Swadisthana - The Sacral Chakra

Swadisthana (Sanskrit - स्वाधिष्ठान)
The dwelling place of the self, sweetness.

Swadisthana is associated with the unconscious and emotion, it is where karma lies dormant – Muladhara is where it takes form. This chakra is linked with the element of water, the sense of taste and the act of reproduction. It is located in the Sacrum – between the pubic bone and the naval. Swadisthana vibrates in clear, bright orange when pure and balanced.

Swadisthana is the home of the self – a person’s identity. A person’s taste in life comes from this Chakra, as do their emotions, personality and creativity in all things. Connection with others without losing one’s own identity is the power of Swadisthana when it is balanced.

Feelings of desire, enjoyment, pleasure, playfulness, self nurturing, affection and creativity come easily when this chakra is balanced.

Memories are held in this chakra, both the good and the bad, and the suppression of memories will also unbalance Swadisthana.

This chakra is affected by how a person feels and sees themselves. Stress, relationship issues, addictions and extreme reactions begin to reduce and unbalance the power of Swadisthana.

When Swadisthana is unbalanced in a person, you may feel/notice:

- Lacking of creativity
- Numbness/Feeling frozen
- Fragile nature – like the slightest miss-hap will make everything fall apart.
- Lacking of courage or motivation
- Self indulgence/gluttony
- Feelings of abandonment
- Hyper-sensitivity
- Aversion

The way in which to balance out Swadisthana is to participate in activities that inspire and pleasure you. Spending time in water (the sea, a swimming pool or a nice relaxing bath) helps a person to reconnect with the water element of Swadisthana, while expressional dancing and making love are good for increasing your energy and creativity. Making love doesn’t just have to be the act of sex, but also seeing love in everything, and treating everyone with love.


Crystals: Blue Jasper, Red Jasper, Orange Carnelian, Topaz, Orange Calcite, Citrine.
Fragrance: Cedar, Spruce, Rosemary.
Colours: Orange

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

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