Wednesday 10 August 2011


Karma - Sanskrit: कर्म

Karma comes from the Sanskrit meaning "action", and the concept of action or deed, which leads to a cycle of cause and effect.

Any conscious thought, words and/or actions arising from cognitively unresolved emotion results in karma. Ways in which to negate the effects of this includes calming therapies such as meditation, counselling, psychoanalysis, etc – whose aim it is to enhance emotional self awareness and so avoid negative karma.
Some believe that a higher being plays out the role of giving out the fruits of karma, or that in rare occasions, a persons’ karmic cycle can be changed by them. In general, followers of Buddhism and many followers of Hindu traditions consider the laws of causation sufficient to explain karmic returns.

One view of karma is that a Sadguru* can act upon a higher being’s behalf, and work out some or all of a person’s karma. While those who follow Jainism believe that a person is individually responsible for their own karma.

Karma as also likened to a field in some belief systems, where karma is a seed. It holds everyone responsible for what a person is, or what a person will become – it is based on the total sum of passed karma. This isn’t the case spanning over a single lifetime - a person is where they are now due to previous karma in every form of (previous) existence.

In Jainism, karma is seen as “karmic dirt”, and the karma is attracted to the karmic field of a soul on account of vibrations created by the activities of the mind, speech and body, as well as an account of mental dispositions.

This can be visualised in some of the healing therapies, where “cosmic dirt” is erased from the body.
Karma is also affiliated with Paganism and the “Three Fold Law” where a person’s actions will return to them times three, or the saying “What goes around, comes around”.

Buddhism links karma directly to the motive behind an action as well, as motivation makes all the difference between actions that are good and bad. Ignorance is also taken into account with motivation, as a well intended action coming from an ignorant mind could be interpreted as “bad” as it creates negativity somewhere else.

There are three actions in which karma takes place:
-          Sanchita – what karma is stored and yet to fruit
-          Parabdha – Karma whose effects are received in this birth in a form of destiny
-          Kriyamam – the actions you perform in day to day life that create karma

Karma alone is not the only cause of what happens; there are five branching categories of karma known as “Niyama Dhammas” that govern the mechanics of the universe:

-          Kamma Niyama  - Consequences of one’s actions
-          Utu Niyama – Seasonal changes and climates
-          Biija Niyama – Law of hereditary
-          Citta Niyama - Will of the mind
-          Dhamma Niyama – Nature’s tendency to produce a perfect type

*A true monk, a title only given to “Enlightened Seers”.


(Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी)

Kundalini is Sanskrit for “coiled” and is often referred to as a snake coiled three and a half times around the base chakra (Muladhara). It is a vital feminine force lying dormant within everyone, and is activated by the practise of yoga, or life changing events. When fully awakened, it is said to lead to spiritual power and eventual salvation.

Kundalini energy is the life giving, passionate and darker energy of a human’s spiritual being. (Much like the “Yin” energy in Feng Shui). As such, a person must let go of their ego, their materialism, their hatred and their fear to be able to control and accept Kundalini into their system.

During the process of being awoken, and rising, Kundalini removes the knots of the major seven chakras as she rises upwards to Sahasrara and Brahman (The masculine energy of creation).  She will also open, cleanse and balance the chakras until they are fully restored.

The awakening of Kundalini can be a pleasant and harmonious event; or disruptive, scary and emotional, depending on whether the time of awakening was intentional or not.

The most common practice for awakening Kundalini is a long and patient journey through systematic physical exercises (such as Yoga or Tai Chi), concentration exercises, visualisation and meditation under the guidance of a competent teacher. Depending on the person and the amount of energy they have to begin with depicts how long this will take to awaken the Kundalini. Even after she begins her journey to the Crown Chakra, these practises must still continue. This is why most people will not reach full ascension during their lifetime, or even several lifetimes later.

A second way of awakening Kundalini is to have a person who is already awakened temporarily raises the energy of Kundalini long enough for the student to be able to experience the sensation and then awaken Kundalini within themselves. This second way, though skipping out what could be years of selfless living and freedom from the materialist, may present problems further down the line as the student is not fully prepared for the gifts and powers that come with activated Kundalini.

There is a third way that leads to Kundalini awakened spontaneously and unplanned, such as near death experiences, child birth, emotional trauma, pro-longed mental stress and so on. This is sometimes put down as “The Will of God”, a progression from the journeys of previous lives or a pre-planned awakening from before birth.

Like planned awakening, this event can pass by peacefully – particularly if it was a result of previous life’s work. Or it can pass in a highly distressing, and sometimes scary manner, particularly if a person has no idea of the existence of Kundalini. When this happens, it is known as “Kundalini Syndrome” or “Spiritual Emergence”.

The energy of Kundalini is something that cannot be controlled by ego, and it requires a person to let go of materialist importance and surrender to a deeper and more wonderful being.

Through the process of Kundalini being awoken and rising through the chakras, there are a variety of symptoms that may occur alone, or with several others:

-          Involuntary jerking, twitches, shuddering or shaking hands, tremors, itching, tingling and crawling sensations (Particularly in the arms and legs).
-          Energy rushes, or the sensation of electricity circulating the body.
-          Intense heat accompanied by sweating, or intense cold, especially as energy passes through the difference chakras.
-          Spontaneous Pranyama, Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas.
-          Visions or Sounds at times associated with a particular chakra.
-          Diminished sexual desire, or a constant state of arousal.
-          Emotional purging – where a particular emotion will dominate a person quite unexpectedly and for short lengths of time.
-          Pressure around the temples/pro-longed headaches.
-          Feelings of bliss, infinite love and universal connection, transcendent awareness.
-          Seeing beings from a different plane in the day-to-day physical world –shadows, angels, deities and so on.

These feelings are similar in feel to something foreign trying to merge with the body and line itself to the entire system, only unlike possession, it feels welcoming and comforting. What is actually happening is the higher self merging with the physical self, it is no longer locked to the celestial planes and only accessible through meditation. It feels strange as normally these two forms never meet in the physical world.

After being awakened and reaching up through Sahasrara, the Kundalini energy of life connects with the Brahman, the masculine energy of creation.  To be fully awakened is to receive Divine Wisdom and inner knowledge that shows itself to you as the collective memories that all beings of life have seen, shared and forgotten once more. At this level, a person has increased clairvoyance powers, the ability to bring manifestation about with no hardship and the power of telepathy. A person at this level also enjoys pure joy, and pure love.

To reach this level hardly ever happens, as it can take between decades and lives before the energies of Kundalini and Brahman will meet. But when a person has reached this level, they will be sensitive to the causes of other people, and will have been the notable healers (Medicine men, Pagans, Environmentalists, and Herbalists) through history, or wise teachers, scientists and counsellors that have shared their knowledge with anyone who will listen.

Kundalini is an energy power that is very rarely abused – as a person must feel compassion deeply, be detached from materialism and ego and walk through life as an equal to everything else – but like everything in life there is a flip side, which is why a person should seek out a spiritual guide/teacher to help them with their awakening and the following journey.

Like opening and balancing the chakras, the best way to work with Kundalini energy is to be passionate in life, and pursue creative paths in life - whilst still being compassionate to the world, detached from the ego and practising forgiveness and equality.

Crystals that help in working with Kundalini:
-          Flame Aura Quartz
-          Tanzanite
-          Kunzite
-          Snakeskin Agate
-          Serpentine
-          Garnet
-          Red Black Obsidian
-          Tiger’s Eye
-          Spiral Quart
-          Shiva Lingham
-          Ammolite

Monday 25 July 2011

Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra

Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रर)
A Thousand Petaled Lotus, Pure Consciousness.

Sahasrara is associated with the element of creation-“The Source”, works with the senses of thought. This chakra has the function of detaching a person from illusion – something essential if a person is to fully understand Sahasrara. Also known as the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara is the last chakra in the Kundalini system. It is also the most important chakra in the system, it relates to pure consciousness and all other chakras originated from the Crown Chakra.

Meditation on Sahasrara is said to bring about the power to do whatever it is one wishes.
This chakra relates to the actions of spiritual connection, wisdom, understanding information and presence. When Kundalini reaches up to Sahasrara, the illusion of self is dissolved, and a person has a deeper understanding and connection to everything and everyone: “One is all, and all is one.”

It is highly uncommon for Sahasrara to be fully opened up – Through history, these people were always Spiritual Leaders or Physicists with forward ideas, but due to the majority of people being on a lower level of understanding, many of these people were tortured and/or killed for speaking heresy.

When Sahasrara is unbalanced, a person may notice or suffer:
-      Confusion
-      Learning Difficulties
-      Over Intellectualising things
-      Disconnection to Spirit
-      Warped vision of reality
-      Dissociation from the body
-      Apathy

To open up Sahasrara and balance this chakra out, a person must first overcome the obstacle of ego and reach a healthy level of selflessness. A person must then find compassion, unconditional love and peace-both inner and outer, as this is what Sahasrara feeds on, and share it with the world.
For the highest powers of Sahasrara to come through, a person must have full knowledge and understanding as to why they were incarnated to this planet.

Crystals: Moldovite, Citrine, Quartz, Red Serpentine, Purple Jasper, Clear Tourmaline, Golden Beryl, Lepidolite, Purple Sapphire, Sugilite.
Colours: Royal Purple, White.
Fragrances: Patchouli, Labdanum, Frankincense.

 Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

Friday 22 July 2011

Ajna - The Brow Chakra

Ajna (Sanskirt: आज्ञा)
Command – The Third Eye

Ajna is considered the eye of intuition, and is associated with the senses of thought and thinking. Ajna’s element is of light and electric energy. This chakra is considered to be the eye of intuition-when something is seen in a dream, or a vision, Ajna is what is seeing it.

It is believed that Ajna is the gateway into the body for external influences, which is why people spend time protecting their 6th Chakra.

Meditation on Ajna is said to bring the power to enter another’s body and mind with ease and speed (Another reason the 6th chakra needs protection)

Memory, insight, intuition and rational thought are the actions of Ajna within the body, though its powers are only found when all 5 lower chakras are balanced and awakened. When Ajna is awakened, the gifts of clairvoyance present themselves, and the ability to see things for what they truly are – people’s auras become visible, beings from higher planes will start to show themselves, and a person will hear and notice things much more clearly than before.

The conscious and the sub-conscious merge together, bringing a greater sense of knowledge and wisdom, even if a person doesn’t realize where the information has come from.

When Ajna becomes unbalanced, you may notice:

- A lack of concentration
- Scattered thinking or confusion
- Fear
- Cynicism
- Tension
- Bad dreams

Ajna has a habit of doing its own thing when it is unbalanced, suppressed or waiting to be recognized, and will make a person feel detached from everything physical until it is recognized. Busy places like cities affect Ajna the most, as the pollution, constant noise and negative energy that clings to the paths cloud out the subtle energies that guide and power this chakra. Any place that induces feelings of vulnerability also unbalances Ajna, as fear blocks the flow of energy from the other chakras.

To balance out Ajna, a person needs to pay attention to the messages that their body and mind is giving them – through dreams, visions or repetitive thoughts/images.

Meditation and/or prayer on a regular basis help to balance, protect and strengthen Ajna. Having Reiki done is another great way to keep Ajna strong, as this chakra relies on the lower 5 chakras to be balanced and strong.

A person must also ignore the people around them who say it is “coincidence” or “wishful thinking” – these people fit into two types – those who are aware of the chakras, but are unable to reach the top themselves, and there are those who are too scientifically minded to see something as possible unless it can be written down in a mathematical formula. Both types will hold a person back if listened to, but with the help of all the lower chakras, a person at Ajna will have learnt enough already to be able to deal with these people.


Crystals: Apophyllite, Sodalite, Moldavite, Azurite, Herkimer Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Garnet, Purple Fluorite, Kunzite, Lepidolite. Malachite with Azurite, Royal Sapphire, Electric Blue Obsidian, Azeztulite, Atacamite
Fragrance: Lavender, Fir, Chamomile
Colour: Indigo

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.


Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha (Sanskrit – विशुद्ध)
Purity. Communication center

Vishuddha is the 5th chakra, and is located in the spine level with the larynx. Vishuddha is linked with the sense of hearing and the action of speaking, which makes this chakra the center of communication. The element of Vishuddha is the element of aether – the upper sky.

This is the first chakra to reside on a spiritual plane, allowing communication between the emotional self and the higher self. Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about the power to see into the past, present and future.

Vishuddha is referred to as the “Poison and the Nectar”, as when this chakra is pure and balanced, a person’s experiences lead to wisdom and knowledge, whilst an unbalanced Vishuddha leads to deceit and darkness. It is also said that when Vishuddha is awakened (by kundalini rising), the poison’s of Earth will no longer affect that person due to their purity.

The secret to immortality is said to reside with Vishuddha.

It doesn’t take long for Vishuddha to become un-balanced or polluted this day in age. All though Freedom of Speech was introduced, people still fear to say the truth – from a young age, truth lead to pain or ridicule to some level, and growing up, people would learn to hide their truths from their families, their friends, and world.

Not only do holding truths back affect Vishuddha, but by bottling emotions up and telling the world “I’m okay”, or by physically lying to someone. Harsh words also pollute Vishuddha.

When Vishuddha is left to become unbalanced, people may feel or notice:

- Difficulty in speaking the truth
- Difficulty in finding their voice
- Their voice becomes emotionless, flat and almost monotonically spoken.
- Their voice becomes overly emotional, exaggerated and fast.
- A person may talk too quietly, or too loudly.

To balance out this chakra, a person needs to be honest in themselves and work out their truths. Past emotions need to be let go of, and the people involved to be forgiven. Then a person must speak with pure and honest words, and no longer hide their opinions from anyone.


Crystals: Azurite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Amber, Kunzite, Lepidolite, Blue Obsidian, Petalite.
Fragrance: Moroccan Rose, Chamomile.
Colour: Blue.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.


Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत)
Un-hurt, Un-struck, Un-beaten. Balance.

Anahata is associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and actions with hands. The heart chakra is what leads to the power of healing, so when someone refers to healing hands, the power has manifested in Anahata.

Anahata is the ability to make decisions outside of the bindings of Karma – In Manipura and lower chakras, the decisions made follow the laws of karma, and follow us through fate and destiny.

This chakra is the one of “following your heart”, guidance that comes from your higher self and not the emotional and materialistic guidance that affect lower chakras. Anahata is the chakra that bridges the higher self to the physical self.

Being the bridge between the physical and the metaphysical, Anahata is very much like a fruit tree – thoughts, wishes and hopes come to fruition with the help of Anahata – be they good or bad.

Anahata feeds on passion and self-expression - Swadisthana is the birth of creativity, and Anahata is where that creativity finds its physical presence. When balanced, Anahata has the power of wish fulfillment, and mastering a person’s own destiny.

A developed heart chakra leads to sensitivity to other’s feelings, and the sense of touch is highly tuned, which combined allow human’s to heal through touch – be it direct therapy such as massage, or indirect therapy like Reiki.

When Anahata becomes unbalanced, you may notice:

- Loneliness
- Anger
- Grief
- Feeling rejected
- Possessiveness
- Jealousy

It doesn’t take much for Anahata to lose its power – arguments, stress, relationship problems, being bullied and so much more cause problems to this chakra, and it takes a strong willed person to not fall into darkness.

Many people when they get hurt emotionally block out their connection to Anahata, a way in which to protect them from being hurt again – but this also prevents a person from being loved.

That’s why when times get tough and challenging, it is important to find some way in which to channel creativity, and express their feelings so that the heart chakra can heal with the person and prevent further negativity manifesting.

To help re-balance, and keep Anahata balanced, a person must find a balance within themselves first. Do they give too much or too little? Acts of charity help bring about a sense of hope to everyone involved, as well as helping to boost someone’s self-confidence. Finding a belief (It doesn’t have to be a religious belief) will help teach compassion, trust and devotion – things which Anahata thrives on. As a person opens themselves to love, then Anahata will be balanced.


Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Quartz, Aventurine, Kunzite, Muscovite, Red Calcite, Rhodonite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Peridot, Apophyllite, Lepidolite, Morganite, Pink Danubrite, Ruby, Chrysocolla, Green Sapphire.
Fragrance: Lavandin, Orange, Tangerine.
Colours: Green, Pink.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

Manipura - The Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura (Sanskrit – मणिपूर)
The City of Jewells, Energy

Manipura, the Solar Plexus, is known as the seat of fire or the life force chakra, as it is considered the center of energy for the human body and the source of knowledge, power and intuition. The “gut feeling” comes from Manipura.

This chakra is associated with the element of fire, the sense of sight and the action of movement.

It is said that through meditation on Manipura, a person would attain the power both to create and destroy the world.

When Manipura is balanced, it is like a golden yellow sun within the body, and helps with recognition and identification, will-power, energy and self-nurturing love.

Prana (Sanskrit for Vital Life) is radiated and distributed around the body from Manipura, so when left to fall out of balance, it will radiate negative energy instead of positive and motivating energy. For that reason perhaps, the Solar Plexus chakra is the most important chakra to work with and keep balanced, as it is very easy for all other chakras to fall out of balance as a result of negative energy.

When Manipura isn’t balanced, a person may feel:

- Tired and lethargic
- Fearful of anything outside of their comfort zone
- Cold – both physically and emotionally
- Self-centered
- Narcissistic
- Domineering and power hungry

Manipura is like a fire, in that too little wood would burn out before the flame created any warmth, or too much wood would lead to a fire beyond control – so it is with energy in the Solar Plexus.

Ways in which to stimulate and balance out Manipura include Bikram Yoga (Where a series of positions of yoga are performed in a room heated to around 40.6°C), practicing self-nurturing habits on a daily basis, doing something independent and out of your comfort zone at least once a weak, and adding spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to your diet.

Where possible, travel to exotic places also inspire and strengthen Manipura.


Crystals: Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline, Golden Beryl, Rhodochrosite, Smithsonite.
Fragrance: Bergamot, Lime, Grapefruit.
Colour: Yellow, Gold.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

Swadisthana - The Sacral Chakra

Swadisthana (Sanskrit - स्वाधिष्ठान)
The dwelling place of the self, sweetness.

Swadisthana is associated with the unconscious and emotion, it is where karma lies dormant – Muladhara is where it takes form. This chakra is linked with the element of water, the sense of taste and the act of reproduction. It is located in the Sacrum – between the pubic bone and the naval. Swadisthana vibrates in clear, bright orange when pure and balanced.

Swadisthana is the home of the self – a person’s identity. A person’s taste in life comes from this Chakra, as do their emotions, personality and creativity in all things. Connection with others without losing one’s own identity is the power of Swadisthana when it is balanced.

Feelings of desire, enjoyment, pleasure, playfulness, self nurturing, affection and creativity come easily when this chakra is balanced.

Memories are held in this chakra, both the good and the bad, and the suppression of memories will also unbalance Swadisthana.

This chakra is affected by how a person feels and sees themselves. Stress, relationship issues, addictions and extreme reactions begin to reduce and unbalance the power of Swadisthana.

When Swadisthana is unbalanced in a person, you may feel/notice:

- Lacking of creativity
- Numbness/Feeling frozen
- Fragile nature – like the slightest miss-hap will make everything fall apart.
- Lacking of courage or motivation
- Self indulgence/gluttony
- Feelings of abandonment
- Hyper-sensitivity
- Aversion

The way in which to balance out Swadisthana is to participate in activities that inspire and pleasure you. Spending time in water (the sea, a swimming pool or a nice relaxing bath) helps a person to reconnect with the water element of Swadisthana, while expressional dancing and making love are good for increasing your energy and creativity. Making love doesn’t just have to be the act of sex, but also seeing love in everything, and treating everyone with love.


Crystals: Blue Jasper, Red Jasper, Orange Carnelian, Topaz, Orange Calcite, Citrine.
Fragrance: Cedar, Spruce, Rosemary.
Colours: Orange

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

Muladhara - The Base Chakra

Muladhara (Sanskrit – मूलाधार)
Connection to the Earth, Balance.

Muladhara is the base chakra, and is associated with the element of Earth, the sense of smell, and the action of excretion of both physical and metaphysical waste.

It is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals, and symbolizes the beginning of life.

Muladhara is the chakra associated with childlike joy, innocence and purity. It helps with inner wisdom, balance and direction in life.

It is also the seat of Kundalini Rising, where the kundalini shatki (the female embodiment of enlightened energy sometimes referred to as Dakini) resides, waiting to be awoken so she can rise through the chakras back to the Brahman, the source.

When Muladhara is unbalanced, or out of sync to the other chakras:

- Fear
- Rage and Anger
- Poor Sleep and Tiredness
- Forgetfulness

Tai Chi is a brilliant exercise to keep Muladhara balanced, as it focuses on balance and inner strength.

There are a wide variety of yoga poses that can also help when working with Muladhara - usually warrior poses, as these induce inner and physical strength from the center. The Lotus position is a great position for awakening the Kundalini.


Crystals: Azurite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Citrine, Red Jasper, Hematite, Smokey Quartz.
Fragrance: Cassia, Clove, Nutmeg.
Colours: Red, Gold, Yellow.

Interested in buying a set of 7 Chakra Sets, visit the store.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Awakening Crystals

To choose the best crystal to be used either for yourself - or for someone else - the intuition plays a fundamental key. The crystal that lingers around your consciousness until you pay it due attention or the crystal you are inescapably drawn to, both are clear signs that the intended recipient needs that crystal’s energy (Sometimes several crystals will come to mind, and that means that they all are needed.)
If intuition fails, or you want specific answers about how best to use the crystals, dowsing can also be used. (See article on dowsing), or using a reliable book on crystals.

After choosing a crystal(s), it will need to be cleansed. There are several ways in which to do this:

1)    Rinsing the crystal(s) under running water (Spring water, or fresh rain water works best, though tap water will suffice if neither the above are available.)**
2)    Sitting the crystal(s) in sea salt crystals* over a period of 24-48 hours.**
3)    Sitting the crystal(s) in rice (Brown rice* is preferable, but white rice will also do the trick.)**
4)    Smudging can also be used to cleanse away any previous negativity from the crystal.

* For friable, layered or delicate crystal(s), use the rice to cleanse them.
** After cleansing the crystals, return the water, rice, or salt back to nature.

5)    Be sure to charge the crystal(s) up after they are cleansed, placing them in sunshine or moonlight for 12 hours.


To activate a crystal, find yourself a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for as much time as you need, and sit focusing your attention on the crystal:-

What do you see in the crystal?
What colours are there?

Spend time getting to know the crystal in this manner, and by asking yourself and the other crystals any other questions that come to mind.

When you feel you have bonded with the crystal(s) sufficiently, dedicate the crystal to its purpose (Healing, soothing, massage, etc.) either through meditation, speaking it aloud, or by speaking silently to the crystal(s), and spend time letting the dedication sink in to the crystal’s memory.

The storage of crystals varies to suit the situation. If the crystal is displayed in a room, resting it on a silk scarf or other natural fiber scarf is best. If the crystals are put away between use (or carried about the person in a pouch), again, silk is the best material to use to keep the crystals secure and safe.

-- Moonlight is good to charge crystals up that are going to be used in conjunction with the feminine energy, soothing therapy, or for working on the upper chakras (The upper 4 in simple chakra work).
-- Sunlight is good to charge crystals up that are going to be used in conjunction with the masculine energy, increasing positivity and energy, or for working on the lower chakras (The lower 3 in simple chakra work).

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Campaign Against Tar Sands in Canada

I haven't quite worked out 38 Degrees yet, but I do want to make this a petition. >.< For now, perhaps this will do.

Monday 7 March 2011

Gem Elixirs

Due to the high vibrations of crystals, it is very easy to transfer their energy and vibrations into water. Gem Elixirs can be taken internally, so long as the crystal is not toxic.
They can also be applied to the skin, or added into a bath. They can also be decanted into a misting spray to cleanse a room with.

To Make the Gem Elixir

There are two methods of making a gem elixir, the first it a direct method:
Place the crystal in a glass bowl filled with fresh spring water, and stand the bowl in the sunlight or moonlight (Depending on the crystal) for twelve hours. After this is done, decant the charged water into an air-tight bottle, ideally made from glass with a cork stopper in it.

The second method is the indirect method, which is the way to make gem elixirs using friable or toxic:
Place the crystal in a small glass jar and make sure no water can get in, and then place the jar in the bowl of spring water – the vibrations from the crystal will still transfer into the spring water.

To make a dosage bottle for internal and skin application use:

Add seven drops of the charged water to a glass dropper bottle, fill with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 spring water.
(If using as an eye-drop, do NOT add alcohol.)
Take seven drops three times a day.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

A Little Bit on Chakra Crystals

Chakra crystals are a selection of crystals that most resonate with each chakra... This is down to the colour of the crystals, and also their healing properties. When working with the chakras, you would generally go with the crystal that fits the chakra by colour, but you can also use another crystal for its properties even if the colour doesn't match, usually when the chakras are out of balance.

A good example of this would be using a yellow crystal such as Citrine or Calcite which would normally be used with the Solar Plexus, on the heart chakra as this would help heal emotional wounds that affected the heart. The same works in reverse.

You could also use white or clear crystals from the Crown Chakra to work on any other chakra to aid with healing from the higher self, or to help attune each chakra with Clairvoyance.
As a quick guide, here is a list of the seven main chakras and their colours and appropriate crystals:

Chakra Colour Crystal

Crown White/Clear Clear Quartz, Slenite, Moonstone
Third Eye Purple Amethyst, Sugilite
Throat Blue Howlite, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite
Heart Green Bloodstone, Aventurine, Jade, Malachite
Solar Plexus Yellow Citrine, Calcite,
Sacral Orange Amber, Sunstone, Carnelian
Base Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite

Again, you may feel drawn to a  specific crystal, in which case that is the one to use.

The Seven Plains of Life and Death

Okay, this is something that came to me on a night of no sleep…

Please do feel free to give me your own opinions on what may or may not happen after death….it is a topic I find hugely interesting!

Plain 1 - True life, where you walk the Earth in Human form. Here you bring forth the knowledge learnt in death, though the knowledge may be un-known for some time, depending on when it is you need the knowledge.

Plain 2 – Transition Plain, from life to death. The span of the human body is over, and all you needed to do in this life has been completed, or left in the charge of someone else to complete for you.

Plain 3 – The remembrance plain, where you meet with imprints of all you knew and loved in life. Here is what I believe to be true Heaven. It isn’t a place you go to remain for all eternity, but a place where you can meet with all those who have gone before-friends, family, pets and so on. Those souls aren’t truly there though, as they have already gone on into their next lives (Though possibly not true for all of them). The imprints of themselves are as real and true as you knew them to be in life-there is no deceit or lies.

Plain 4 – The plain where you learn more knowledge from Ascended Masters. This is where the imprints of people like Da Vinci, Einstein, Jesus, Buddha and many other wise and knowledgeable reside. Here they will teach you everything it is you want or need to learn for the next life.

Plain 5 – Shadow life, where you walk the Earth as a soul, helping those in need of guidance and the knowledge learnt on the third plain. Before returning to a human body, you pass on the knowledge you learnt on plain 4 to those who are with the living now, helping others achieve what it is they truly desire, and helping them with their life’s purpose as someone would have helped you in your life.

Plain 6 – Plain of Decision, where the life to be taken on is worked out and planned. On this plain, you would work your life out - will you be human? Or maybe even as an animal. What will you do? And so, a rough blue print is set in motion for the next physical life.

Plain 7 – Transition plain, from death to life. After however long in the realms of death, now you return to life-the knowledge you had in death locked deep within hidden memories, waiting to be re-found.

The Temple of the Stars

Labradorite: “The Temple of the Stars and The Bringer of Light”

In healing, this crystal deflects unwanted and negative energies from the aura, and also prevents unnecessary energy loss. It also raises the consciousness, and connects us with the universal energies.
Labradorite aligns the physical body with the etheric body, and accesses the spiritual purpose. The crystal stimulates intuition, and other clairvoyant gifts.
When worn as jewellery, or kept close by, labradorite calms and overactive mind, and energises the imagination. It banishes fears, insecurities and over time, all physic debris from previous lives, helping the soul and body further it’s life’s purpose.
This crystal is one of transformation, preparing the body and soul for ascension and deep healing.

Bismuth and Peacock Ore

If ANYONE knows anything about these, I shall be highly grateful to know…I can not for the life of me find out the healing properties etc of Bismuth or Peacock Ore.
Google fails me, along with both my Crystal Bibles XD

To Dream of Wolves

To see a wolf in your dream, symbolizes survival, beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and grace. You are also a loner by choice. Negatively, the wolf represents hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. It may reflect an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming force in your life. This could point to an obsession, an addiction or something that is beyond your control.
To see a white wolf in your dream, signifies valor and victory. You have the ability to see the light even in your darkest hours.
To dream that you kill a wolf, indicates betrayal. Certain secrets will be revealed to you.
To hear a wolf howling in your dream, represents a cry for help from somebody in your waking life


Labradorite is known as the bringer of light. It has a grey base with flashes of green, yellow, orange and peacock blue when it catches the light. It is highly protective, and very mystical.

In healing, this crystal deflects unwanted and negative energies from the aura, and also prevents unnecessary energy loss. It also raises the consciousness, and connects us with the universal energies.

Labradorite aligns the physical body with the etheric body, and accesses the spiritual purpose. The crystal stimulates intuition, and other clairvoyant gifts.

When worn as jewellery, or kept close by, labradorite calms and overactive mind, and energises the imagination. It banishes fears, insecurities and over time, all physic debris from previous lives, helping the soul and body further it’s life’s purpose.

This crystal is one of transformation, preparing the body and soul for ascension and deep healing.